想起BREAD 的那隻歌:
If a
picture paints a thousand words,
Then why
can't I paint you?
words will never show the you I've come to know.
If a
face could launch a thousand ships,
where am I to go?
no one home but you,
all that's left me too.
And when
my love for life is running dry,
You come
and pour yourself on me.
If a man
could be two places at one time,
I'd be
with you.
and today, beside you all the way.
If the
world should stop revolving spinning slowly down to die,
spend the end with you.
And when
the world was through,
Then one
by one the stars would all go out,
Then you
and I would simply fly away.
作詞/作曲:David Gates《If》歌詞 © Sony/ATV Music
Publishing LLC
有人說心智地圖畫出來以後,就像似代表一個人的頭腦的構造。 那麼這就是其中的一個橫切面了。這就如同觀察一個的人的後車廂, 即會多少了解其思考模式。
有時候,覺得當談話的時候,附近的人都突然的鴉雀無聲,然後集中注意力,因為使用心智地圖,能夠用色彩、文字加圖形紀錄與溝通觀念,了解的速度加快,有全盤式的思考,也許不太一樣。因為常常使用心智地圖心智地圖的關係,逐漸上手。我也成為公司內部的心智地圖內部訓練講師。也在不同的教學課程裡,使用心智地圖,成為實例, 也豐富了訓練教材,順利完成一些使用線性思考會顯然複雜的觀念的教學。每次使用這多方引燃右腦思考的心智地圖之後,就覺得自己稍稍聰明了ㄧ點。 這是一個有趣的、經常使用的工具。